Future Prospects for
Kuma Shochu

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Kuma Shochu’s Future Forecast
~The Future of Sengetsu Shuzo~

Ms. Tsutsumi, the fourth president of Sengetsu Shuzo, is also the second female president in the Kuma Shochu industry. After graduating from a university, she worked at an advertising agency, then inherited the business from her father, Masahiro Tsutsumi.
Seventy percent of the shochu produced by Sengetsu Shuzo distillery is consumed in Kumamoto. While putting down roots in the local area, the company has also promoted product development outside Kumamoto and even overseas. 'CRESCENT' at the exhibition is one of the company's leading products. Craft gin is gaining in popularity regardless of region or gender.
In marketing and development, the company, sensitive not just to women’s thoughts, are aware that many people are concerned about "using local products as much as possible" and "Amanatsu and yuzu are pesticide-free."
Another thing happening is the joint development of rice shochu with an American company. Although not sold in Japan, President Tsutsumi believes it will be a good opportunity for Kuma Shochu to be recognized overseas. Sengetsu Shuzo also develops various products with strong branding. “What we make is Kuma Shochu. The base is always Kuma Shochu,"
asserts President Tsutsumi. "Next year will mark the 120th anniversary of the company's founding. It will be an important milestone for us to break away from the Corona virus and torrential rain damage, and make a leap forward."
